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I am a nameless, faceless, insignificant cog in a wheel hoping to help someone whose name I do not know, face I have not seen, whose suffering I have not endured, experience light from the touch of a stranger’s friendly efforts to offer a ray of hope that brings a little assistance to their struggling life. Our family has known love, but we have also experienced pain and the need to sacrifice, but nothing like those we hope this will help. Please help us with our effort. 


We have all seen the faces of children battling cancer, children starving at home or abroad, soldiers who have come home embattled for their bravery with scars that have secured our freedom, but for which we can never fully comprehend the depths of that cost. We have passed by and sometimes stopped to provide a hopeful word, some money, or a blanket to someone on the streets suffering economic hardship. All of those faces behind names we do not know are individuals who too may feel like cogs in wheels of a machine that need help to flourish and keep moving forward to something that works better than what we have now.


Not having the riches to feed the world or house the homeless, or the comprehension to discover a cure for diseases which ravage the body of those it inhabits and the souls of families who struggle each day alongside them, we are hoping to help in some small way, to make a difference by giving something to get something. In our time of need, we felt the rays of random acts of kindness by medical personnel or home care agents who aided us in our battles. We are hoping to pay the act forward with an act of our own. Yes we have given money, but our ability is not enough to meet the needs of the many, so we are hoping that ours with the little gifts of others can make a difference and touch the lives of people in need. To that end we have composed a series of books, hoping to offer a chuckle, a sigh, a moment of entertainment in exchange for the reader providing a donation to their local hospital that cares for children suffering from cancer, buying an extra can of food while at a grocery store and putting it in a bin designated for food pantries or homeless shelters, sending a donation to a charity assisting our returning soldiers who are injured, or helping us help a local school.


 Help us with this effort. Download the book and donate, pass it on to a friend, every bit counts, or if you are a voice that reaches beyond the few, out to the social network, a voice that when you speak, people listen, tweet this out, post it on your social network page.

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